Lee Pittal
Lee is a Senior Financial Planner and Chief Operations Officer within Vintage Wealth Management. He manages a client bank, sits on the Investment Committee, and helps with business strategy.
He is a Chartered Accountant, Chartered Tax Adviser, and qualified Investment Manager dealing with high net worth clients. He has over 30 years of experience in the financial planning and accountancy industry.
Lee was a Director of the Investment Management group of BDO where he worked until 2005. He was a partner of Nyman Libson Paul Chartered Accountants and founder and Chief Operations Officer of the NLP Financial Management Group which he sold in March 2021. He continued working at the NLP Financial Management Group until October 2023.
Lee has developed several investment opportunities for clients with one property development investment worth over £250 million. Whilst managing various financial management businesses he has always maintained an extensive client bank.
Business protection: Covering yourself against more hidden risks05/09/2024
Scam savvy: Protecting yourself against investment fraud07/08/2024
Mortgage outlook: Evaluating the impact of falling inflation09/07/2024
Early access: Considerations for taking your pension prior to retirement20/06/2024
From vulnerable to knowledgeable: Managing your wealth from an empowered position30/05/2024